THE PRABHUPADAROOM at Montreal Canada Via Roger Rodpush at Rodpush -
Prabhupada: Just see the world situation. Everyone is busy on the concept of body. So what is the position of the world? Apandita, ignorance. And such people are going on as learned scholars, politicians and leaders and so on. So how there can be peace? If you bring different types of dogs – greyhound and bulldog and Indian dog – and bring them, the "United Dog Association," (laughter) so will there be peace? That is the position. I declared in Melbourne in a public meeting that this United Nation is the unity of barking dog. I told. It was published in the paper. They also criticized me, "The Swami has come to hound." (laughter) But that is actually the fact…The world situation is that you can speak truth if it is palatable. And if it is unpalatable, don't speak. But this thing cannot be maintained when you are preaching spiritual life. There we cannot cheat. Spiritual life must be declared very frankly. Not that we have to declare; it is already declared. Krishna says, dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam, tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13): The spirit soul is within this body. The body is different from the spirit soul, and as it is changing – the body is changing – similarly, after death, so-called death… Because spirit has no death, no birth. Na jayate na mriyate va. So this knowledge is the beginning of spiritual life. And if you are preaching, they are opposing us. India also opposing. This is our position…They're feeling the weight, the Western countries. They are opposing means that those who are thoughtful, they are thinking that "If this movement allowed to go on, then our civilization will be finished." That is their… That… They are right. They are right. If these young men, they go on under my instruction, I shall finish their civilization.Devotees: Jaya!Prabhupada:That's a fact. No meat-eating in Western countries. No intoxication. No illicit sex. No gambling. That means their life is finished.(Srila Prabhupada Conversation, Bombay, January 3, 1977)
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