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Videos » Land of Heart's Desire - Intimate Moods of Radha Raman (Full Movie)

Land of Heart's Desire - Intimate Moods of Radha Raman (Full Movie)

Posted by vanshika bhatia
This is the film that Radha Raman Lal, the most charming Deity in Vrindavan, commissioned for the benefit of his devotees. The camera was left to wander, like a Spirit of a child, wandering from behind the altar to the strings of instruments at the far end of the temple room. It soared above the crowds of devotees, looked into the hearts of jealous worshippers, and captured the innocence of accidental ones. It pulsates with the enthusiasm of devotees who have given Krishna their lives, and flows easily through the interactions of the Goswamis who are born into the service of the Lord. There is beauty and simplicity in Radha Raman, as there is pride in tradition and collective opulence. The camera captures it all, but above it all, it underlines a shocking Truth in its vision: When you look and look and look at Radha Raman, do you realize that He looks back at you? If He does, what does He see? This is a film from Radha Raman's perspective. The servants He truly values, the purity they represent, far from the ego-filled Vaisnavacharyas and false gurus. This is the only film that Radha Raman has made. There may be many more 'documentaries' on the temple, there will never be another film like this. Because the entire enterprise of Bhakti, pure love and devoton to God, has been taken over by money-minded business houses, because the poor devotee has to stand and wait until he is born in a sufficiently honored body before He can adore his Lord truly, because the Ego of Bhaktas has poisoned it for all of us, I have decided to release this film to everyone free of charge. You can download it, copy it, distribute it and you are free to do so. This is your right, as a devotee of Krishna. You can even burn DVDs of this film and sell it if you want, but in my opinion that is a crime equal to the buying and selling of Salagrams, the best and most cherished one being Radha Raman Jiu, Himself. So go ahead, and spread the film around. This will be the truest form of preaching you can really do, because there is no Organization behind this, trying to cheat innocent people of their life, spirit, or money. God should not, and does not deal in Business. He is Love, and Love is free and unconditional. Like that of a Mother for her Child. This is my offering of Pure Bhakti. Made in Pure Bhakti, and given out freely. Just as Lord Caitanya would have wanted.
Posted October 21, 2014
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